You may or may not have noticed but Los Angeles is in a drought. Come to think of it, I can't remember the last time we had some of the wet stuff. Yesterday, Mayor Tony brought back the Drought Busters, an elite team of six Storm Trooper working on behalf of the DWP. These Storm Troopers can be easily spotted driving Toyota Pruises (how ironic). These Troopers will drive around Los Angeles warning citizens who do not conserve water. Hopefully educate some of these people too. While watching the news on Telemundo (recently a fan) I understood the Drought Busters will beging their work in South LA. Is it just me or should these new Storm Troopers be hitting up the Westside and more lucrative neighborhoods where I see sprinklers runnning all afternoon? I wish I had taken my R2 Unit with me today when I had to run some unspecified errands at the Glendale Civic Center but I saw the sprinklers runnning outside Griffith Park on Riverside and Los Feliz. Shouldn't those have been off at 1pm? Thats just me.
May the Force be with most of you.
1 comment:
Very good point. They should also crack down on the businesses and on the residences that water their sidewalk. I'm sick of seeing lazy people water a peace of leaf for 15 minutes. Get out the brooms people! Stop watering that is not edible!
Oh, and how about shutting down the golf courses! We are in the desert! Hello! There is not supposed to be grass here so stop the watering!
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